A/C Refresher Service
Don't miss out on this incredible offer!
Is your vehicle blowing smelly air through its vents? Maybe even bacteria, pollen, and other residues?
The A/C Refresher service emilimates bacteria, reidue, dirt, and smelly odors that are trapped in the vents and compressor of your vehicles A/C syetem.
Our trained Ceryified Toyota Technicians complete the following process:
- use a heavy-duty detergent coil cleaner that foams up during application. It is injected through the A/C drain tube and the foam absorbs dirt and other residues. It then breaks down into a liquid and drains back out of the drain tube. This draining process takes out the contaminants in one easy operation.
- use a conditioner specifically made to clean the air ducts in the system and eliminate odors
This service is only $129.95 or $99.95 when paired with our A/C Diagnosis Service. Taxes extra.
Call us today and book an appointment or drive on in! 289-539-0377
Certain conditions apply. Contact dealer for further details.