FAQ about Toyota winter tires
October 14 2022,

With winter upon us, is time to start thinking about winter tires and it is also time to start booking your appointment to have your winter tires installed. Now is a perfect time to do just that, but we also know that you may have questions about the winter tires that are right for your Toyota vehicle, or when you should install them, or how to tell if they need to be replaced. That is why we have put together this quick guide of Toyota tires frequently asked questions and we hope you will find it useful. And remember, we are always at your disposal to assist you when it comes time to finding the right winter tires for your Toyota vehicle.
When should my Toyota have its winter tires?
Now would be a great time to have your winter tires installed, actually. That's because the weather outside is dipping below 7° on a regular basis. That means that if you are still driving on summer or all-season tires, they will begin to harden which means they will lose their grip with while also being less effective when braking. Now you do have some time, but we would at the very least recommend booking an appointment now. This way at least you are sure to have your winter tires on your vehicle when the snow starts to fall.
How can I check if I need new winter tires?
To determine if your winter tires are still in good condition, you have to measure the tread depth. This depth should be of at least 4.8 mm to ensure your winter tires will have enough tread to last through the entire winter. If your tire’s tread depth is less than 4.8 mm, chances are your tires won't last until spring.
Do I need winter wheels to go with my winter tires?
We would recommend getting winter wheels for your vehicle only for the fact that doing so protects your summer wheels which can be more expensive to replace or repair. Moreover, getting winter wheels for your Toyota means that you can in theory decrease the size of your winter tires by an inch compared to your summer tires. That in turn helps you save money on subsequent winter tires. In simple terms, you protect your vehicle's long-term value and you can save in the long run on winter tires.